Halloween Tips

Halloween can be one of the most fun times of year, especially for the littlies! But when you get a diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes, it can make events like Halloween become a stressor for parents - and the kids feel the anxiety too! However, we don’t think it has to be this way and have come up with a list of tips to help you navigate Halloween with Type 1 Diabetes in tow!


Worried about getting trick or treat lollies that your child can’t eat because of Type 1?

Your child can still eat lollies with Type 1 Diabetes! You just need to learn to bolus insulin for them correctly. We believe practice is the key to improving blood sugar management.
However, if you prefer your child not to have regular sweet and treats, you can focus on other Halloween activities like pumpkin carving, treasure hunting, crafts, dressing up, watching scary movies and telling spooky stories! There’s so much more to halloween than just sweets and treats!

And we’d like to mention that there are a lot of sugar-free lollies available on the market these days as well - in your average supermarket confectionary aisle.

Some other ideas are:

  • If you accumulate a large amount of treats, you can store any lollies for hypo treatments for the remainder of the year! Just find out the carb count for one piece and label them for later reference. Do this with your children and practice carb counting together.

  • Do some baking at home and get the kids involved in creating healthier treats for everyone to share. This is also a great opportunity to practice carb counting.

Important note about sugar-free treats

  • Be careful of sugar-free lollies and chocolates as most will have a laxative effect when more than a serving is consumed each day (this can add up quite quickly!)