Sessions with Family therapist- Joe Solowiejczyk 

A Mile in My Shoes, a company founded by Joe Solowiejczyk, a diabetes nurse educator and family therapist who has lived with Type 1 diabetes for over 50 years, was created to insure that patients and families living with diabetes worldwide would have access to the most practical and up-to-date information needed to manage living with diabetes AND thrive while doing so. Joe has first hand experience with the disease as he has been thriving with Type 1 for over 50 years!
Our company focuses on providing counselling services for patients and training opportunities for healthcare professionals who wish to learn how to better integrate family therapy into their clinical skill sets.

Additionally, A Mile in My Shoes is dedicated to producing fun, unique web-based presentations and learning resources for patients and their families wishing to increase their self-management knowledge base and emotional coping skills. The launching of the new e-book self-management manual, A Type 1 Diabetes Guide to the Universe, is a new and exciting part of that initiative.

Request a fully funded 1 hour session with Joe