Interviews, chats & more

2022 Grandparents information evening


Type1 Conversations with Jack Sinclaire

Robyn is a Dietitian and her areas of expertise and interest include type 1 and 2 diabetes, gastrointestinal health (in particular coeliac disease and IBS), eating disorders and is also an accredited Type 1 Diabetes DAFNE (Dosage Adjustment for Normal Eating) program facilitator.
Ange chats to Type1 Mum Kim McCallef, about being newly diagnosed. Kim shares her story about daughter Willow’s diagnosis in Feb 2020. Kim is a Mum of two children and lives in Geelong, Vic.

Ange chats to Naturopath Kate Loftus about how to boost your immune system while living with type1 through COVID-19.

Ange chats with Andi Balog from Fit Little Peanut about her diagnosis, living with type1 and what inspired her to create a life in the fitness industry helping others living with type1.

Ange chats to Associate Professor Dr John Wentworth. John is the Principal researcher at Type1 Screen and also one of the principal researchers at ENDIA. Ange chatted to John about research, delaying a Type1 Diagnosis, Preventing DKA at diagnosis and hopefully one day finding a cure for Type1 Diabetes.

Ange Chats to Type1 Dad Shannon Ryan about his diagnosis story and what it's like to live with Type1 for over 24 years.

Michelle Mitchell is an award winning speaker and best selling parenting author. She has been termed ‘the teenage expert’ by the media and is sought after for her compassionate and grounded advice for parenting tweens and teens.

Dr Megan Paterson and Dr Penelope Lope

Ange chats to Joe Solowiejck from the USA about his role as a family therapist and living with Type1 for over 50 years.

Hunting Unicorns; Jackson 

Jackson Sinclair is “Jackabetic” and via these fun videos he shares a little insight into life with Type1.

Designed to be watched in order. This is a just a bit of fun, an upbeat adventure that any person living with Type1 can relate to and could get around. Enjoy the adventure and join Jackson as he Hunts unicorns.